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VC International Scholarship: The effects of consumer-oriented environments on interpersonal relationships in both developed and emerging economies


Research Field
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences



Cardiff University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships for Research Excellence offer seven eligible applicants the opportunity to join our Doctoral Academy community for three years on a full-time basis.

For further information, and information about eligibility and how to apply, please see the main Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship page:

This project is based in Cardiff Business School. The successful candidate will be enrolled on the PhD in Business and Management from October 2020 (please note, funding cannot be deferred). Further details about the PhD Programme at the Business School can be found here:

Project Description:

Interpersonal relationships have been identified as a primary source for individual well-being. Secure and healthy social ties are associated with better health and reduced risk of mental health problems. However, as societies develop, social fragmentation and interpersonal isolation seem to emerge. A recent meta-analytic study on materialism, broadly understood as the endorsement of consumer culture ideals, and well-being found that consumer-oriented environments cause lower individual and societal well-being. This research identified the area of inter-personal well-being as an underdeveloped area for research and found asymmetries between Easter and Western individuals on the effects of materialistic cues. Preliminary empirical evidence suggests that consumer-focused environments inhibit cooperative and pro-social attitudes and behaviours. However, there is a need for further cross-cultural research looking at the effects that consumer culture ideals (such as luxury consumption which endorse inequality by promoting a desire for achieving a higher social status than one’s peers) has on interpersonal relationships. This research will help us to gain a better understanding of the impact of consumer-oriented societies on the well-being of individuals and social groups.

What is funded

The Scholarship includes:

- tuition fees for 3 years only.

- annual stipend (in line with UKRI rates, currently at £15,285 for 2020/21) for three years

- your academic School will also contribute towards research costs.

The first quarterly stipend payment will be made shortly after your course commences.

The awards are available to support applicants to our full-time PhD programmes (excluding clinical courses).

They cannot be awarded to students undertaking research on a part-time or distance-learning basis and are not available for any other types of research degree. Continued eligibility for the Scholarship is dependent on satisfactory academic progress.


The ideal candidate has a specialist Master Degree in Business, Management or related subjects from an internationally renowned University. Applicants with a strong first degree will also be considered. The ideal applicant has the motivation and ability to critically engage with relevant academic literature and conduct primary research using qualitative techniques (training can be offered).

How to Apply

You should apply for your chosen PhD programme via the University’s online application form. It is advisable that you make contact with your potential School and supervisory team beforehand.

To be considered for the scholarship, you must fulfil eligibility, ensure you complete the University’s application form and:

- attach an academic CV (guidance on creating an effective CV)

- ensure your personal statement gives a strong statement of your research interest, preparation and understanding of the research context and significance

- in the funding section, when asked “Are you self-funding your research?”, select “No, I am not self-funding my research” and indicate you are applying to the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship

To be eligible for the scholarship you must be a national of (or permanently domiciled in) a country in the ‘Least Developed’ or ‘Other Low Income’ categories on the 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list. Please see the main Scholarship page for further details.


Organisation name
Cardiff University
Organisation Country
More Information

The responsibility for the funding offers published on this website, including the funding description, lies entirely with the publishing institutions. The application is handled uniquely by the employer, who is also fully responsible for the recruitment and selection processes.